The game selects a high-scoring event from any event that matches its event targets. All you can do is continue scouting and battling enemies, until the desired theme event occurs. Since the game contains a large number of events which are not theme-related, it's very likely that a non-theme-related event occurs. Only a few theme events happen after a mission victory, or during a hook encounter. Wilderness scouting, and Arrive at hostile site events are the most common type of theme events. A hook would be a personality trait such as Curious, Loyal, or Slacker.
Sure, once you’ve played a bit you know what event and choices will cause a transformation, but on that first play through, I had my hunter try and free the gem because I thought it would be an item or some kind of treasure. I agree a little bit, but I think that you have to understand that not all transformations are blessings. What do you guys think about this? Do you agree or did I miss some secret skill combination? Or do you not care about the weaker powerlevel and instead just enjoy the flavour it adds to your characters?Īlso while we're on the topic: Am I the only one to wish more of the transformations got their own head instead of just colouring the hair? The only exceptions I'm aware of are the skeleton and the celestial. Be it the lower HP pool, the lack of useful warrior skills such as two close quarters attacks per turn and splash damage or just most mystic and hunter abilities not applying to the mostly melee-focused transformations, they just don't feel worthwhile on the other classes. I mostly succeeded, so I feel qualified to talk about them as a whole.Īnd my conclusion is that they're just not that viable on non-warriors. For me, one of those elements is the transformations.Īs soon as I found out that transformations are available, it was the obvious choice for me to collect them all. Still, being in early access, there are bound to be some elements that don't quite click yet.

After 174 hours of playtime I have realised that's not entirely true it already IS a great game.

I picked up Wildermyth in the last steam sale, thinking it was a neat little game with potential to develop into something great.